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Technical Publications

A consistent, fast and simplified work for the most complex technical publications.

Taking into consideration that a technical publication is a source of research where the accessibility of information and its precision are vital factors, every care should be taken into account from the very beginning. A publication reaches its objective when the user can quickly create a mental model of the structure of the instruction manual and can easily and quickly handle it.

Fields of action:

Perfecto Brasil has been producing several technical publications such as:

  • Manuals for product's instruction
  • Manuals for technical support
  • Manuals for training
  • Catalogues for technical sales
  • Educational publications

Quality warranty:

Graphic standards, formatting accuracy, revision easiness, minimal errors and precise control check are prime requirements taken into consideration throughout the work.

Perfecto Brasil constantly invests in technology, management and training in order to guarantee and improve the quality of the work offered.

Bearing in mind the value of your company's information, we have control, organization and safety as essential elements in our routine both in producing technical translation and technical publications.

Trabalhos revisados em duplicidade

Every work is proofread and revised. You have the result of much higher quality.

Ferramentas para garantia de qualidade

Commercial and in-house developed tools guarantee a higher consistency and quality supporting checking of several parameters.

Respeito às normas

Respect to national and international standards. Technical and scientific ratings are applied in accordance to established systems. Inconsistencies detected regarding the incorrect use of terminology and ratings are corrected or informed to the client.

Segurança das informações

Safety of information. The work data is encrypted and remotely stored for fast recovery in case of damage or any disaster.

Sigilo das informações

Secrecy of information. Every client can rely from the very first contact with a non-disclosure agreement of all information provided.

Find out more on how Perfecto Brasil can also help you with your demands for Technical Translations.

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